Merck & Co., Inc.; est. no. 0002


P.O. Box 4, Sumneytown Pike, West Point, PA 19486; other facilities in Liverpool, UK and Rensselaer, NY; main HQ in Whitehouse, NJ; originally H.K Mulford & Co., granted biologics est. license no. 2 in 1904; Mulford was founded in 1891 and started manufacturing biologics (diphtheria antitoxin) in 1894; acquired by Sharp & Dohme (Baltimore, MD) in 1929; Merck merged with Sharp & Dohme in 1953, forming Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD); Most vaccines are manufactured at West Point, PA facilities; FDA no longer reports (has lost) approvals information for Mulford’s (later Merck’s) products; A new vaccne manufacturing facility in Durham, NC, came online in 2006

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West Point PA 19486 USA

Reference Number